full-time teachers

Zhifang Wang

Associate Professor

College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Peking University

No 4 Red Masion, No 5 Yiheyuan Street

Haidian District, Beijing, China 100080

Office: 010-62759003

Email: zhifangw@discover-motors.com


 Ph.D. in Natural Resources and Environment (2008)

School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Dissertation: Planning for open space protection: Using GIS to match social values with ecological quality

Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)(2008)

School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Masters Project: Integrating habitats into mixed-used development by design

Master of Science in Landscape Planning (2001)

Dept. of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Beijing University, Beijing, P. R. China

Master thesis: Designing the landscape as a process of reading and exhibiting local spirits

Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning (1998)

Dept. of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Beijing University, Beijing, P. R. China

Thesis: Landscape changes in Zhongshan City from 1940-1995



Associate Professor inCollege of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Beijing University, China


Assistant Professor in Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Texas A&M University, USA.


Research assistantin School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, USA.


Teaching assistantin School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, USA.


Research Fellowfor the Genesee Institute, Michigan, USA.


Lab managerof Landscape Ecology and Perception Lab, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, USA.


Research assistantin College of Architecture, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA.



First Prize in Micro-course Contest of Beijing


Merit Prize in Micro-course Contest of China


Ph.D. dissertation is selected as an example research work for landscape performance by Landscape Architecture Foundation.


Biographyin 201164rd Edition of Who’s Who in America



Barbara and Terry Brown Scholarship. School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan.

2002-5, and 2007

Travel grants for conference presentations, Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan


One Term Dissertation Fellowship, Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan


Honorable Mention in international Dangermond Fellowship Awards, Landscape Architecture Foundation.


Superior Teaching Award-LA. School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan.


Nomination for Gold Apple Award for the most excellent Graduate Student Instructor in the University of Michigan.Student government of the School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan.


Second place - 2002 Green Space Design student design competition.Group project with Amol Deshpande, Kimberly Rennick and Moonsun Joeng in Virginia Tech.


Graduated:  Student with Honor, Beijing University


Excellent Student Award,Beijing University


























1.              Zhifang Wang, Yue Jin, Yu Liu, Dong Li and Bo Zhang. 2018. Comparing Social Media Data and Survey Data in Assessing the Attractiveness of Beijing Olympic Forest Park. Sustainability. Accepted.

2.              Zhifang Wang. 2018. Evolving landscape-urbanization relationships in Contemporary China. Landscape and Urban Planning. Accepted

3.                Zhifang Wang,Nan Shen.2018. A review of the roles of local knowledge in ecological practices. Acta Ecologica Sinica.38(2): 371-379. 王志芳,沈楠。地方知识的生态应用综述。生态学报38(2): 371-379.

4.              Zhifang Wang, Dihua Li et al. 2017. Using ecosystem disservice as a framework to diagnose urban problems. Landscape Architecture Frontiers 6(030): 8-16.

5.              Zhifang Wang,Yan Zhao, Jinling Hou, Bo Zhang. 2017. Design principles for herbaceous planting based on landscape perception research. Chinese landscape Architecture (04): 20-15.王志芳,赵妍,侯金伶,张波。基于景观篇好的草本植物设计原则。中国园林(04): 20-15.

6.                Zhifang Wang,Yunfei Xu. 2017. The implication of Germany landscape planning to the integration of multiple plans in China. Studies of Urban Issues (05):45-54. 德国景观规划对中国多规合一的启示。城市问题研究。

7.                Zhifang Wang,Ying Zhou.2017. Children’s landscape preference in agro-tourism parks. Chinese Landscape Architecture(03):25-31. 王志芳,周瑛。2017。儿童对农业园区的景观偏好。中国园林(03):25-31.

8.                Zhifang Wang.2017. Actionable ecological knowledge and ecophronesis.International Urban Planning 04:12-16. 王志芳。可实践生态知识与生态实践智慧。国际城市规划04:12-16.。

9.                Zhifang Wang, Ganglu Zhu.2017.Changing landscape characteristics of Pondscape in Chongqing. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekingensis4(53):701-709。王志芳,朱刚露。2000-2012年重庆市陂塘景观特征变化规律研究。美高梅学报(自然科学版)4(53):701-709。

10.            Zhifang Wang,Yang Cai, Chen Zhang, Miao Kou. 2017. Public preferences of community agriculture and application inferences. Landscape Architecture (3):89-92. 王志芳,蔡扬,张辰,寇淼。公众偏好视角下社区农业推广可行性研究。风景园林(3):89-92。

11.            Xianpei Heng, Zhifang Wang, Qinqin Dai and Qianzi Jiang. 2016. The roles of local knowledge in identifying water security pattern: A case study of Longxin and Shichuan Township in Yulin Watershed. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 36(13): 1-11.衡先培,王志芳,戴芹芹,姜芊孜.(2016). 地方知识美高梅在水安全格局识别过程中的作用——以重庆御临河流域龙兴、石船镇为例. 生态学报(13): 1-11.

12.         Xia Liu, Zhifang Wang. 2016. The influence of climates and culture to the characteristics of yards in Xinjiang. Shanxi Architecture(11): 220-221. 刘霞与王志芳(2016).气候和文化传统双重因子影响下的庭院特征. 山西建筑(11): 220-221.

13.            Ankang Cao, Zhifang Wang, Zhao Gong. 2015. Erosion analysis due to urbanization in Liangjian New District. Soil and Water Conservation in China(10):12-15. 曹安康,王志芳,龚钊.(2015). 两江新区中嘴河流域开发过程水土流失分析: 12-15.

14.         Di Liu, Zhifang Wang, Kongjian Yu. 2015. Wetland Conservation Plan based on stormwater management- a case study of Liangjiang District, Chongqing. China Water Resources(19): 28-31+34. 刘迪,王志芳,俞孔坚(2015). 基于雨洪调蓄的城市新区湿地保护规划——以重庆两江新区为例.中国水利(19): 28-31+34.

15.            Zhifang Wang,Ming-han Li. 2016. How to frame design research paradigm of landscape architecture? Chines landscape Architecture(04): 10-15. 王志芳与李明翰(2016). 如何建构风景园林的“设计科研”体系?中国园林(04): 10-15.

16.            Kongjian Yu, Qianzi Jiang, Zhifang Wang, Minghan Li. A literature review of pondscape. Area Research and Development 34(3): 130-136. 俞孔坚,姜芊孜,王志芳,李明翰(2015). 陂塘景观研究进展与评述. 地域研究与开发(03): 130-136.

17.         Luo, T., Zhang, T., Wang, Z., and Gan, Y. (2015). "Driving Forces of Landscape Fragmentation due to Urban Transportation Networks: Lessons from Fujian, China." J. Urban Plann. Dev. , 10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000292 , 04015013.

18.            Yuan Yuan, Zhifang Wang, Ying Zhou. 2015. Landscape preference of children’s family toward agricultural parks in China. Real Estate Journal(5): 18-21. 袁远,王志芳,周瑛,2015(5),儿童家庭农业园游憩景观偏好研究,房地产导刊.

19.            Zhifang Wang, Zhongshen Ren, Min Zhang. 2015. An Ecological Planning Method with a Focus on Soil: The Planning Process and Evaluation of the Woodlands Community, Texas, the USA. International Urban Planning 04:88-94.王志芳,任仲申,张敏. 以土壤因素为主导的生态规划——美国得克萨斯州伍德兰兹社区规划过程及评价[J]. 国际城市规划, 2015,04:88-94.

20.         Zhifang Wang, Wenwen Cheng, Huaqing Wang. 2015. Evidence-based Restorative Environment: Research Progress and Design Inspirations. Landscape Architecture (6):110-116.王志芳,程温温,王华清。2015。循证健康修复环境:研究进展与设计启示。风景园林(6):110-116。

21.         Qinqin Dai,Zhifang Wang. 2015. The modern implication of pond-paddy field system in Chongqing. China Water Resources (1): 34-37. 戴芹芹,王志芳。2015。重庆堰塘-冲冲田系统对现代水资源管理的启示。中国水利(1):34-37。

22.         Zhifang Wang, Puay Yok Tan, Tao Zhang, Joan Nassauer.2014. Perspectives on bridging the action gap between landscape science and metropolitan governance: Practice in the US and China. Landscape and Urban Planning. 125: 329–334.

23.            Qianzi Jiang, Zhifang Wang, Ming-han Li. 2014. A review of negative impacts of impervious surfaces to water environment in cities and mitigation strategies. Urban Issues(11): 50-55. 姜芊孜、王志芳、李明翰。2014。不透水地表对城市水环境的负面影响及缓解策略。城市问题(11):50-55。

24.            Zhifang Wang,Jinling Hou. 2014. The role of landscape design in governing sustainable places. China Population, Resources and Environment 24(5):365-368. 王志芳,侯金伶。2014。景观设计美高梅在生态场所建构中的作用。中国人口、资源与环境。第S2期。

25.         Paul Opdum, Joan Nassauer,Zhifang WangChristian Albert, Gary Bentrup,  Jean-Christophe Castella, Clive McAlpine, Jianguo Liu, Stephen Sheppard, Simon Swaffield.  2013. Science for action at the local landscape scale. Landscape Ecology. 28 (8). 1439-144.

26.         Huaqing Wang, Zhifang Wang, Huimin Wang. 2013. The impacts of landscape changes to water environment in Yanhe Village, Chongqing, China. Sichuan Environment 33(1): 48-54. 王华清,王志芳,王惠民,2013。重庆市河堰村景观改变对水环境的影响。四川环境33(1):48~54。

27.         Zhifang Wang,Min Zhang, Runzi Wang, Yue Hou, Min He. 2013. Application potentials of LID strategies in different land uses in mountainous cities. Water Supply in Cities: 1-9. 王志芳、张敏、王润滋、侯跃、贺敏。2013。山地城市不同用地类型应用低影响开发策略(LID)的可行性初探。城镇供水2013增刊1-9。

28.            Peng Sun, Zhifang Wang, Qianzi Jiang, Huaqing Wang. 2013. People-oriented design solutions in urban rainwater landscapes. Landscape Architecture Frontiers (4): 83-87. 孙鹏,王志芳,姜芊孜,王华清。2013。人性化的城市雨洪综合利用。景观设计学1(4):83-87。

29.         Zhifang Wang, J. Nassauer, R. Marans, and Daniel Brown. 2012. Different types of open spaces and their importance to exurban residents. Society and Natural Resources.25(4): 368-383.

30.         Joan I.Nassauer, Jennifer Dowdell, Zhifang Wang, Danielle McKahn, Brian Chilcott, Cathy Kling and Silvia Secchi.2011.Iowa Farmers’ Responses to Transformative Scenarios for Corn Belt Agriculture. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 66(1): 18-24.

31.         Chan Yong Sung, Minghan Li,George Rogers, Astrid Volder, Zhifang Wang. 2011. Alien Plant Invasion in Urban Riparian Forests in a Hot and Semi-arid Region. Landscape and Urban Planning. 100(3): 278-286.

32.         Joan I. Nassauer, Zhifang Wang and Eric Dayrell. 2009. What Will the Neighbors Think? Cultural Norms for Ecological Design. Landscape and Urban Planning. 92(3-4): 282-292.

33.         Zhifang Wang. 2009. An attempt to translate ecological theories and research into practices. D.B. Lindenmayer and R. J. Hobbs (eds), Managing and Designing Landscapes for Conservation: Moving from Perspectives to Principles. Blackwell publishing, Oxford, UK. , 2007. 587 pp. illus., Paper, US $75, ISBN 978-1-4051-5914-2. Landscape Ecology 24 (3): 453.

34.         Zhifang Wang. 2009. Bridging Ecology and Urban Planning. Richard T.T. Forman. 2008. Urban Regions: Ecology and Planning beyond the City. New York: Cambridge University Press. 430pp., ISBN: 978-521-67076-0. Landscape and Urban Planning 92(3-4):  348-350.

35.         Brown, D.G., Robinson, D.T., An, L. Nassauer, J.I., Zellner, M., Rand,W., Riolo, R., Page, S.E., Low, B., Wang, Z. 2008. Exurbia from the bottom up: Confronting empirical challenges to characterizing a complex system. Geoforum39: 818-835.

36.         Kongjian Yu,Zhifang Wang, and Guoping Huang. 2005. Vernacular Landscapes and their implications to Modern Landscape Architecture. Huazhong Architecture. 2005(04):123-126. 俞孔坚,王志芳,黄国平。2005。论乡土景观及其对现代景观设计的意义。华中建筑23(4):123-126。

37.         Zhifang Wang, Peng Sun. 2001. Heritage Corridor of USA. Chinese Landscape Architecture. Chinese Landscape Architecture, 2001(5). 王志芳,孙鹏。2001。“遗产廊道:美国历史文化遗产保护中一种较新的方法”。中国园林2001(5):85-88。

38.         Peng Sun, Zhifang Wang. 2000. Design with Natural Processes in Urban Rivers and Waterfronts. J. of City Planning Review, 2000(9). 19-22. 孙鹏,王志芳。2000。“遵从自然过程的城市河流和滨水区设计”。城市规划(9):19~22。

39.            Zhifang Wang, Peng Sun. 2000. Preservation and Mitigation methods for Chinese Historic Waterfront Landscape. Chinese Landscape Architecture, 2000(6):13-16. 王志芳,孙鹏2000历史地段型滨水区景观保护的内容和处理手法探析”。中国园林16(6):13-16。


1.              Zhifang Wang. 2016. Hyperscape: Contemporary Landscape Architecture in China. Chinese Architecture and Building Press. 王志芳编著. 2016.《美高梅官网平台》.中国建筑工业出版社.

2.              Yu Kongjian, Wang Zhifang, Sun Peng. 2016. People Place. By Clare Cooper Marcus, Carolyn Francis. From English to Chinese, Chinese Architecture and Building Press.

3.              Yu Kongjian, Wang Zhifang, Sun Peng. 2000. Landscape Architecture: A Manual of Site Planning and Design - 3rd ed.. By John Ormsbee Simonds, From English to Chinese, Chinese Architecture and Building Press.


Conference Proceedings

Zhifang Wang, Huaqing Wang, Ruizi Wang, Min Hong, Qianzi Jiang。2014。The effectiveness of LID applications in condensed Chinese residential areas。In conference proceeding of CELA (Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture). Baltimore MA, USA. March 26 - 19, 2014.

Zhifang Wang,Nancy Volkman, Dihua Li and Jeongjae Yoon. 2011. Does history matter? Chinese and American viewpoints to traditional Chinese landscape. In conference proceeding of CELA (Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture). Los Angeles CA, USA. March 30 - April 02, 2011.

Zhifang Wang, Nancy Volkman and Dihua Li. 2010. Transition of traditional Chinese landscape in contemporary society: Chinese and American viewpoints. CELA (Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture). Maastricht, the Netherlands. May 10-14th, 2010.

Zhifang Wang. 2010. Integrating habitat in urban settings. CELA (Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture). Maastricht, the Netherlands. May 10-14th, 2010.


Zhifang Wang, Kongjian Yu, Dihua Li. 2016. Regional Stormwater Management Plan and Green Infrastructure for Liangjiang District, Chongqing, China.  Client: Ministry of Science and Technology.

Zhifang Wang. 2011. Design strategies for a self-reliance community. Texas A&M University. Client: The Welfare Café, Texas.

Joan I. Nassauer, Rebekah VanWieren, Zhifang Wang, Danielle Kahn. May 2008.Vacant Land as a Natural Asset:Model landscape futures for abandoned land parcels in Genesee County. School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan. Client: Genesee Institute, Michigan.

Joan I. Nassauer, Eric Dayrell, and Zhifang Wang. 2006. Aesthetic Initiative Measurement System II for the Minnesota Department of Transportation. School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan.


Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture

Chinese Society of Urban Planning

International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE, China Chapter)

Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA)

The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)

The Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP)

International Association for China Planning (IACP)



Traditional stormwater solutions in Lingnan area. Funded by Science and Technology Agency in Guangdong. Principle Investigator. 岭南地区传统海绵措施。广东省科委资助。主持人


Top design of beautiful China: a landscape perspective.Funded by Academy of Science. Participant. 美丽中国顶层设计。中国科学研究院资助。主要参与者


Analyses of urban ecosystem disservices based on social media data. Funded by Guangzhou Urban Planning Design Survey Research Institute. Principle Investigator


Design and technical solutions for ecological landscape and runoff reduction.Funded by the special water fund from Minintry of Science and Technology. Co-principle Investigator.水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项,2013ZX07304001-06,生态景观设施设计与径流减控技术研究  主要参与者


Stormwater Infrastructure for Liangjang New district, Chongqing, China. Funded by the special water fund from Ministry of Science and Technology. Co-principle Investigator. 水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项,2012ZX07307001-03,重庆两江新区城市水系统构建技术研究与示范主要参与者


Model landscape futures for abandoned land parcels in Genesee County.Funded by the Genesee Institute. (Research assistant for Prof. Joan. I. Nassauer)


Aesthetic Initiative Measurement System II for the Minnesota Department of Transportation.(Research assistant for Prof. Joan. I. Nassauer)


Spatial Land Use Change and Ecological Effects at the Rural-Urban Interface: Agent-Based Modeling and Evaluation of Alternative Policies and Interventions.National Science Foundation No. BCS-0119804. (Research assistant for Prof. Joan. I. Nassauer)


Development of landscape indicators for Norwegian agricultural landscapes.Funded by Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture. (Research assistant for Prof. Joan. I. Nassauer)


Meta analysis of landscape preference studies: Cultural Indicators of Landscape Ecological Health. Funded by USDA Forest Service. (Research assistant for Prof. Joan. I. Nassauer)


Integrating Visualization and Decision Support Tools for Environmental Management: The Holmes Run Pilot Project, Virginia Tech (Research assistant for Prof. Margaret Bryant)


Individual research, Landscape Dynamic Process in Vernacular Landscape of China, Personal interested Research supported by Center for Landscape Architecture and Planning, Beijing University


Ecological security patterns in rural and urban planning in fastdeveloping areas: theory and case, supported by NNSFC (National Natural Science Foundation Commission) in China (Research assistant for Prof. Kongjian Yu)


Landscape ecological approach toward a sustainable greenwaypattern in urban design, supported by NNSFC in China (Research assistant for Prof. Kongjian Yu)


Zhifang Wang. 2017. Challenges in bridging landscape ecological research and landscape ecological practices. Guangzhou, Meeting of IALE China Chapter. November 11-12, 2017.  王志芳。景观生态理论科研与实践结合的挑战与机遇。景观生态中国分会会议,2017年11月11-12日,广东省广州市。

Yang Cai,Zhifang Wang. 2017。Methods to delineate ecological redline in Yangjiang, Guangdong. Guangzhou, Meeting of IALE China Chapter. November 11-12, 2017.  蔡扬,王志芳。阳江市生态红线的划分方法。景观生态中国分会会议,2017年11月11-12日,广东省广州市。


Zhifang Wang。2017。Different processes for “designed ecology”. 设计生态的流派与维度。2017城市发展与规划大会. 7月27-28日,海南省海口市。

Zhifang Wang. The Tongji - XAUAT forum on ecological wisdom inspired urban and rural ecological practice (2017)“生态智慧与城乡生态实践”同济-西建大论坛.7月7-10日,陕西省西安市。

Zhifang Wang. 2017. Changing legacy landscape to evolving social‐political contexts in contemporary China. CELA. May 25-29. Beijing, China.

Zhifang Wang. 2017. A framework for design research of landscape architecture. CELA. May 25-29. Beijing, China.

2016.Beijing Forum。

2016.Shanghai Ecology



2016.Ecological Wisdom。Shanghai。

2015.Integrated Knowledge for Green Infrastructure Planning. IALE World Congress.



Zhifang Wang,Dihua Li, Qiongshuang Guo. 2014. Green infrastructure for stormwater management of liangjiang district, chongqing,China. Actionable urban ecology in China and the world: Synthesis across the practice gap. June 16-17, 2014. Annapolis, MA.

Zhifang Wang,Huaqing Wang, Ruizi Wang, Min Hong, Qianzi Jiang。2014。The effectiveness of LID applications in condensed Chinese residential areas。In conference proceeding of CELA (Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture). BaltimoreMA, USA. March 26- 19, 2014.

Zhifang Wang,Jinling Hou. 2014. Landscape preferences of wild herbaceous plants under different human-nature interaction circumstances in city parks。Workshop on Multi-Sensory Landscape research. Suzhou, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University. 

王志芳、侯金伶。2013。第三届海峡两岸生态文学研讨会。 山东济南。10月26-27日。


Joan Nassauer, Paul Opdum andZhifang Wang. The Science-Practice Interface of Landscape Ecology.  IALE (International Association for Landscape Ecology)  World Congress.Agust 20-23rd, 2011 .

Zhifang Wang. Challenges to fight fragmentation through planning practices: policies, factors and effects.IALE (International Association for Landscape Ecology) World Congress.Agust 20-23rd, 2011 .

Nancy Volkman and Zhifang Wang. Urban Agriculture in SustainLane’s Green Cities. CELA (Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture) annual conference. March 30 - April 02, 2011. Los Angeles CA, USA.

Zhifang Wang and Nancy Volkman. 2011. An experimental study of habitat design: species vs. plants. CELA (Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture) annual conference. March 30 - April 02, 2011. Los Angeles CA, USA.

Zhifang Wang, Yanyi Li and Peng Sun. Designing for Ecological Aesthetics.  World Aesthetic Congress. Beijing, China. August 21-23rd 2010. 

Zhifang Wang and Yanyi Li. 2010. Strategies to overcome social constraints to integrate native habitats in urban areas for biodiversity. Annual Conference of Association of American Geographers. Washington, D.C. April 2010.

Zhifang Wang. Bridging LCA and scenario development for potential land consolidation in China. International Association for China Planning. Nanjing, China. June 2009.

Zhifang Wang and Joan I. Nassauer. Representing stakeholder perceptions and values in coupled Natural and Human Systems.  IALE (International Association for Landscape Ecology). Snowbird, Utah.  April 12-17th, 2009. 

Zhifang Wang, Joan I. Nassauer and Daniel G. Brown. Revealing open space preferences from mapped data for planning purposes. CELA (Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture) annual conferences. August 12-15th, 2007. State College, PA.

Zhifang Wang, Joan I. Nassauer and Daniel G. Brown. Linking physical landscape character with open space aesthetics.  IALE (International Association for Landscape Ecology)  World Congress. 8 - 12 July 2007. Wageningen, the Netherlands.

Zhifang Wang, Joan I. Nassauer and Robert W. Marans. The effect of surrounding open spaces on participation in outdoor activities. EDRA (The Environmental Design Research Association) 38. May 30-June 3, 2007. Sacramento, CA.

Zhifang Wang, Joan I. Nassauer, Robert W. Marans and Daniel G. Brown. 2007. Different types of open space and their importance to exurban residents. Emerging Issues-Along Urban/Rural Interfaces II.. April 9-12, 2007. Atlanta, GA

Joan I. Nassauer, Zhifang Wang, and Eric Dayrell. 2006. “The effect of neighbors and neighborhood on ecological design preferences”. US-IALE  2006 Annual Symposium March 28-April 1, 2006, San Diego, California

Wenche. Dramstad, Joan. I. Nassauer, Zhifang Wang and W. Fjellstad. 2004. “Implementing a landscape convention.” From Knowledge of landscapes to landscaping action. CEMAGREF and the French Ecology and Sustainable Development Ministry. Bordeaux, December 2004.

Zhifang Wang, Joan I. Nassauer. 2004. “Exploring methods to link GIS-based and perceived landscape indicators of aesthetic quality”. US-IALE 2004. March 30-April 3. Las Vegas, Nevada.

Zhifang Wang.2002. “Agricultural landscape that functions and be managed by local knowledge”. 2002 Annual Conference of Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. Nov 20-24. Baltimore, Maryland.




2014-now, Changing landscape characteristics to evolving social and political context in contemporary China. Invited by Harvard Graduate School of Design, Northeast University, Texas A&M University, Binghamton University, State University of New York.

2016.10. Is China heading towards ecological urbanism? Beijing Forum.

2016.05. Actionable ecological knowledge towards ecophronesis. Xiamen University. 2015.10. Evolving landscape characteristics in contemporary China. University of Copenhagen.

2015. 7. The role of traditional wisdom to sponge city development. Annual Conference of Chinese Society For Urban Studies.

2014.10. Development of landscape architecture programs in contemporary China. Minhan Normal University.

 2014.10. The role of landscape perception to ecological research and ecological practices. Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Science, Xiamen.

2010. Ecology and Aesthetics in Landscape Architecture. Beijing University, China.

2008. Landscape education in the USA. Beijing University, China.





Secretary for the Committee of Landscape Architecture in Chinese Society For Urban Studies. 中国城市科学研究会景观学专业委员会


Guest editor for the journal of Landscape Architecture《美高梅官网平台》特约编辑


Board Member for the Committee of ecological Cities in Chinese Society For Urban Studies.中国城市科学研究会生态城市研究专业委员会委员


Dean assistant for international affairs


Editorial board member for the journal of Landscape Architecture Frontiers《美高梅》杂志编委会成员


Ad-hoc Manuscript review for the journal of Landscape and Urban Planning; Landscape Ecology; Journal of Clearer Production; Land Use Policy;Urban Planning and Design Research; Land Use Policy; Urban Forestry and Greening; Journal of Urban Planning and Development; Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 景观设计学,生态学报,美高梅学报(自然科学版),中国园林,风景园林,天津大学学报


Abstract reviews for CELA


Departmental lecture committee, College of Architecture. Texas A&M University.


BLA/MLA Committee, College of Architecture. Texas A&M University.






2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017

Theories in landscape architecture. A seminar course addressing varied theoretical thinking in landscape architecture, particularly about critical and creative thinking.

Fall 2012,2013,2014,2015

Landscape Planning (studio). Graduate studio for green infrastructure planning.


2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,2017

Landscape planning and design(studio). An introductory studio to undergraduate students in urban planning at Peking University.

Fall 2010

Instructor inLAND 200: Introduction to Landscape Architecture, Texas A&M University. The first course to introduce the field of landscape architecture, particularly about what we are learning and what we will do in the future.

Spring 2010

Instructor inLAND 321 (studio): LANDSCAPE DESIGN IV: Urban Design, Texas A&M University. Studio/seminar class addressing sustainable development, community development, urban design, design process and programming. All aspects of design process and technology were incorporated into assigned projects with comprehensive emphasis on human factors, natural system, grading, planting, irrigation and lighting.

Spring 2009

Instructor inLAND 602 (studio): LANDSCAPE DESIGN II-Ecological Design, Texas A&M University. Design studio focusing on natural factors in landscape design under different circumstances, urban plaza, natural park, residential and industrial settings etc.  Focusing on water, plant, landform and climate.

Spring 2009, 2010

Instructor inLAND 319 (studio): LANDSCAPE DESIGN II-Design with People in Mind, Texas A&M University.Studio class addressing human factors in design decision-making, including social context, cultural background, behavioral needs and aesthetic concern etc.

Fall 2008,2009, 2010

Instructor inLAND 320 (studio): LANDSCAPE DESIGN III-Landscape Analysis and Planning, Texas A&M University. Design studio focusing on land use proposal and analysis in a watershed level and the comprehensive understanding of the natural/ecological system. Integration of GIS tool with the design studio.

Spring 2008,Fall 2006, 2004

Graduate Student Instructorin NRE687(studio): Landscape Analysis and Planning, University of Michigan. Design studio focusing on habitat suitability analysis and land allocation decision for ecological conservation.Integration of GIS tool with the design studio.

Fall 2005

Graduate Student Instructorin NRE617 (studio): Planting Design, University of Michigan. Design studio focusing on planting selection and arrangement for aesthetic, ecological and social quality.




Students directed at Texas A&M University

Student Name

Faculty Role

Degree Sought


Graduation Date

Hyekyung Lee


Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Science



Jeongjae Yoon

Member or chair?

Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Science

Urban nature with reduced stress


Joonghyuk Choi


Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Science

Form-based codes and conventional zoning


JongYon Kim


Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Science

Landscape characteristics with active living


Russel Blessing


M.S. in Urban Planning

Sustainable Planning Strategies for Coastal Management


Yanyi Li



Sustainable and healthy senior community


Li-Pin (Lynn) Lin


Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Science

Ecotourism promotion and environmental conservation







Chan Yong Sung


Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Science

Low Impact Development for Protecting Urban Riparian Ecosystem


Angeline J. Lehnert


M.S. in Urban Planning

Wildlife Connectivity in Transportation and Environmental Plans



Students directed at Peking University

Master students

2013 Dongfeng Deng. Runoff Regulation-Storage Potential of Mountainous City Green Spaces and the Improving Approaches, the Case of Built-up Area of Liangjiang New Area邓冬松      山地城市绿地雨水径流调蓄潜力及改善途径——以重庆两江新区建成区为例     

2013 Yue Hou. Stormwater Management Efficiency of Mountain City Park and Improving Approaches,Cases of Liangjiang New Area,Chongqing.侯跃         山地城市公园雨洪调蓄效能与改善途径:以重庆市两江新区公园为例     

2013 Yuqing Lai.The impact assessment of master planning to water system and optimization suggestions: Case of Chongqing Liangjiang New Area赖雨青           城市总体规划对水系统的影响评价与优化策略——以重庆两江新区为例    

2013 Panpan Li. Assessment and optimization of riverfront public space based on housing prices ,case of Chongqing urban city李盼盼    基于居住区房价的的滨江公共空间评价与优化—— 以重庆市滨江区为例

2013 Shu Sun. Evaluation and Improvement of Urban Watershed Water Environment Management——Case Study of Chongqing Panxi Watershed孙姝          城市流域水环境治理评价与治理措施改善——以重庆盘溪河流域为例        

2013 Xiaobing Wang. Optimization of The Mountain City Land Use Layout Based on The Control of Non-point Source Pollution ——A Case Study of Zhongzui River in Chongqing王小兵      基于非点源污染控制的山地城市土地利用布局优化——以重庆两江新区中嘴河流域为例       

2013 Qinqin Dai. The Roles of Local Knowledge in Identifying Water Security Pattern: A Case Study in Shichuan & Longxing Town, Yulin River Basin, Chongqing戴芹芹      地方知识美高梅在水安全格局识别中的作用——以重庆御临河流域龙兴、石船镇为例

2013 Zhao Gong. Optimization of New Area Development Process Based on Surface Runoff and Soil Erosion’s Analysis -- A Case Study of Zhongzui River Watershed in Chongqing Liangjiang New Area龚钊      基于地表径流和水土流失分析的城市新区开发过程优化--以重庆市两江新区中嘴河流域为例

2013 Min He. The Influence of Road Planning and Design in Mountainous City on Rainfall Runoff and its Control Approaches—a Case Study in Liang Jiang New Area,Chongqing贺敏       山地城市道路规划设计对降雨径流的影响及控制途径——以重庆市两江新区为例      

2013 Jing Jian. Potential and Approaches of Stormwater Runoff Regulation in Commercial District of Mountainous City——A Case Study of Guanyin Qiao Commercial District, Chongqing简婧     山地城市商业区径流调蓄潜力及途径——以重庆市观音桥商业区为例 

2013 Xiangrong Jiang. The Associations between Characteristics of Walking Activities for Older People and Effects of Urban Environment: A Case Study in Chongqing江湘蓉   山地城市老年人步行活动特征及其环境影响因素——以重庆市为例     

2013 Liangji Kong. Impacts of Impervious Surface on Surface Runoff and Its Reduction Approaches in Mountainous City —A Case of Liangjiang New Area, Chongqing

孔亮集        山地城市不透水面对地表径流的影响与减流途径——以重庆市两江新区为例        

2013 Fanglin Liang. Impacts of Urban Regulatory Plan on Regional Stormwater Process: A Case Study of Regulatory Plan of Zhongzui River Basin梁方霖  城市控制性详细规划对区域雨洪过程的影响——以重庆市中嘴河流域控制性详细规划为例     

2013 Di Liu. the Variation And Application of the Capability of Flood Retention and Rainwater Storage of Nunja in Chongqing Liangjiang New District----From Rural to Urban Area刘迪           从农村到城市重庆两江新区湿地雨洪调蓄能力变化与应用 

2013 Xiaoqing Qin. The Effect of Detailed Urban Design of Important Zones on Runoff in New Areas of Mountainous City: Case Study of Longsheng Zone And Yuanyang Lake Zone, Chongqing, China秦晓晴    山地城市新区重要地段详细城市设计对径流的影响——以重庆龙盛总部经济区、鸳鸯湖片区为例          

2013 Shengxiao Tang. Water-Saving Approach of Green Space in Seasonal Water Shortage City—a Case Study in Liangjiang New Area in Chongqing唐声晓       季节性缺水城市绿地途径——以重庆两江新区为例

2013 Huimin Wang. Impact of rural landscape change on the water environment ---A case study of chongqing heyan village王惠民          重庆农村景观改变对水环境的影响——河堰村个案研究 

2013 Runzi Wang. The Influence of Residential Design in Mountainous City on Rainfall Runoff and its Control Approaches—a Case Study in Liang Jiang New Area王润滋  山地城市居住区设计对降雨径流的影响及控制途径——以重庆市两江新区为例    

2013 Xiaodong Yang. Integrity and preservation of rock carvings in eastern Sichuan and  western Chongqing杨晓东      川东渝西石刻遗产的完整性与保护     

2014 Wenwen Chen. Landscape Design Implication of Open Space Satisfaction in Residential Communities Near Yuyuantan Park程温温        居住区开放空间满意度研究及景观设计启示——以玉渊潭附近居住区为例        

2014 Yaxuan Mao. Studies on Preference of Retention and Use Patterns for Pond_Chongchong paddy field in Chongqing毛雅萱          重庆市堰塘-冲冲田景观留存及利用偏好研究    

2014 Rongxin Shi. The Landscape Evaluation and Performance of Participants on Rural Tourism Landscape Construction——A Case Study in Baiyangyu, Qian`an, Hebei Province史荣新     参与主体对发展旅游的乡村景观建设的评价和偏好——以河北省迁安市白羊峪村为例 

2014 Qingyang Wang. Preference Study of Landscape of Leisure Exercisers in Parks near Communities——A Case Study in Four Parks in Beijing王庆阳    社区周边公园休闲体育锻炼者景观使用偏好研究--- 以北京的四个公园为例

2014 Yuting Wang. The Multidimensional Design Perspective and Residents Preference of Green Space in High-rise Residential Area in Beijing: A Case Study of Beijing Century City Residential王玉婷         北京高层居住区绿地空间的多维设计视角以及居民偏好研究——以北京世纪城为例

2014 Baixia Xiao. A survey of self-planting activities in urban centers: Implications for

College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
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